Monday, August 4, 2008

Failed ideas / failed prediction

A couple comes to mind: The first being flying cars. In the mid-50s they predicted that we would have flying cars by now. There have been a few prototypes, but nothing like predicted or practicable. Considering today’s fuel costs, how efficient can they make it?

The second thing that comes mind is Microsoft’s BOB. They spent all this money creating this application interface but did not first customer test before bringing it to market. I am not sure if it was arrogance or just poor planning and research. This is an example of a good idea, gone wrong.


Jean said...

I don't think I would consider Bob to be a failed prediction. A failed product (of which there are plenty), but not a failed prediction.

Gem Michigan said...

I'm still waiting for all people to have access to reasonably priced fuel efficient airborne vehicles like the Jetsons. Flying cars continue to be developed since 1917. Henry Ford designed flying vehicles but after a test pilot was fatally injured he stopped development. My reference and videos of flying cars are located at Flying Cars...on 60 Minutes.

Terry R. said...

Dave, I agree with Chris, but I think you're both right -- "Bob" was both a failed product AND a failed prediction. Consider Bill's prediction for Bob:

"A nerdy yellow smiley-face called Microsoft Bob will be the future of user interfaces for... everyone!'

Other blogs have also described this as a failed prediction.

wincoder said...

Bob failed because the customer base was too wide and Bob's appeal was way too narrow - perahps only 5 people actually liked it.